Course curriculum

    1. Introduction To Adaptive Learning

    2. Course Overview

    1. Describe the Steps of the Chain of Survival

    1. Describe the Steps To Take For Scene Safety, Responsiveness and Assessment

    2. Describe How to Check the Pulse for an Unresponsive Victim

    3. Identify the Critical Components of Chest Compression

    4. Describe the Importance of a Chest Compression Feedback Device

    5. Describe how to Open The Airway for Breaths

    6. Describe how to Use a Pocket Mask

    7. Recognize When to Use a Bag-Mask Device to Deliver Breaths

    8. Order the Steps for How to Use a Bag-Mask Device

    9. Recognize How to Deliver Breaths Using a Bag-Mask Device

    1. Describe why an AED is Needed

    2. Describe the Functionality of an AED

    3. Describe What the Rescuer Should Do Afters the AED Delivers a Shock

    4. Determine When the Rescuer Operating the AED Should clear the Victim

    5. Describe Anterolateral AED Pad Placement For Adults and Children 8 Years and Older

    6. Describe Anteroposterior AED Pad Placement For Adults and Children 8 Years and Older

    7. Identify How to Minimize Interruptions in Compressions When Using an AED

    8. Describe the Steps of the 1- and 2- Rescuer Adult BLS Sequence

    1. Describe the Steps of the Pediatric Chain of Survival

    1. Recognize the Differences in assessment of Pulse in infants vs children

    2. A) High-Quality CPR in Children and Infants

    3. 1. Chest Compression In Children

    4. a) Identify the Recommended Depth of Compression

    5. b) Recognize the Compression Rate of Compressions

    6. c) Recognize Correct Hand-Placement For Compressions

    7. d) Recall the Maximum Time for Interrupting Chest Compressions

    8. 2. Chest Compression In Infants

    9. a) Recognize the Recommended Depth of Compression for Infants

    10. b) Recognize Correct Hand-Placement For Compressions for Infants When 1 Rescuer is Present

    11. c) Recognize Correct Hand-Placement For Compressions for Infants When 2 Rescuers is Present

    12. d) Recall the Recommendation Compression-to-Ventilation Ratio for Infants and Children

    13. 3. Witnessed and Unwitnessed Collapses in Children and Infants

    14. a) Describe the Actions Taken in a Witnessed an Unwitnessed Pediatric Collapse

    15. 4. 1- Rescuer BLS Sequence for Children and Infants

    16. a) Describe AED Pad Placement for Infants and Children Less Than 8 Years Of Age

    17. b) Order The Initial Actions For The 1-Rescuer BLS Sequence for Children and Infants

    18. 5. 2- Rescuer BLS Sequence for Children and Infants

    19. a) Order the Steps of the 2-rescuer infant BLS Sequence

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 70 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content